Madrasah Az-Zahraa is a religious school that runs once a week on Sundays from September to July. The Madrasah is generally run by volunteers from the community who dedicate their time and energy to help youth of the community learn our faith, teachings, and principles. The aim of our organization is to provide Islamic education within the bounds of the Sharia of the Islamic Shia Jaffarai faith in all its activities and undertakings.

The Madrasah offers the following programs for students from Kindergarten all the way up to Grade 11:

  • Qur’an – Recitation, Appreciation and Qari Program
  • Tarbiyah
  • Salat
  • Spiritual Station (Grade 11)


Madrasah Az-Zahraa is run primarily by many dozens of volunteers (though as of 2023, we have had one part-time paid staff member!). We thank them for all of their contributions and may Allah (swt) grant their wishes in this life, and provide them with a special place in the here-after as well. In addition to the Admin team (Principal, Vice-Principal, and Admin staff), we also have members of the Qur’an Team, Salat Team, Bulugh Team, Parent Engagement Team, Parent Volunteers, Tarbiyah Team, and many other groups of people who help make the Madrasah run.

Below are names and contact information of the Madrasah Admin team.

Br. Hussein Sheriff


[email protected]

Sr. Ruqayyah Merali

Vice Principal (KG-Grade 4)

[email protected]

Br. Nasir Moosvi

Vice Principal (Grades 5-7)

[email protected]

Br. Mahdi Sahebnasagh

Vice Principal (Grades 8-10 + SS)

[email protected]

Sr. Mehwish Punjani

Admin Staff

[email protected]


Governance of the Madrasah is provided by the Az-Zahraa Executive Committee, in particular the operations of the Madrasah fall under the portfolio of the Director of Education. Additionally, the long term strategy and vision of the Madrasah is provided by the Madrasah Council, currently a group of past principals whose collective wisdom and experience will the shape the future of the Madrasah.

Current members of the Madrasah Council are listed below:

Br. Aliridha Rashid


Br. Hussein Sherrif

Current Principal

Br. Shaheen Rashid

Former Principal

Sr. Tahera Rashid

Former Principal

Br. Zuheir Merali

Az-Zahraa Trustee (ex-officio member)

Br. Firas Moosvi

Director of Education (ex-officio member)