

Does Madrasah Az-Zahraa observe special Islamic occasions?2024-08-30T07:08:59-07:00

Yes, we observe important Islamic holidays and special occasions such as Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, and the birthdays and martyrdom anniversaries of the Ahlulbayt (a.s.). These events are incorporated into our curriculum and remembered through special activities and events.

Are students taught how to perform Salaat (prayer)?2024-08-30T07:06:09-07:00

Yes, students are taught how to perform Salaat through participating in Jama’at Salaat (congregational prayer) and certain courses. Parents are also welcome to join the Jama’at Salaat to further enforce the importance of this daily worship to children.

Is the school’s building accessible to children with physical disabilities?2024-08-30T06:53:47-07:00

Yes, our school is equipped with elevators, accessible restrooms, and other facilities to accommodate children with physical disabilities. We are committed to making our school environment welcoming and accessible to all students.

How does Madrasah Az-Zahraa handle food allergies or dietary restrictions?2024-08-30T06:50:34-07:00

Parents are required to inform Madrasah Az-Zahraa of any food allergies or dietary restrictions during registration. We take these concerns seriously and ensure that snacks or food brought into the school are safe for all students.

How can parents contact Madrasah Az-Zahraa for more information?2024-08-30T07:13:31-07:00

For more information, you can contact the school administration at [email protected]. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have.

How does Madrasah Az-Zahraa communicate with parents?2024-08-30T06:44:50-07:00

We communicate with parents through email newsletters and our website. Important updates, information about events, news, and progress reports are regularly shared with parents.

How can parents get involved in Madrasah Az-Zahraa’s activities?2024-08-30T06:40:03-07:00

Madrasah Az-Zahraa is fully run by volunteers. As such, help is always needed. Parents can get involved in Madrasah’s operation process in many ways, such as, organizing events, sponsoring and preparing lunches and snacks, and volunteering for temporary and permanent positions. Parent involvement at Madrasah is always much appreciated!

Does Madrasah Az-Zahraa offer parenting workshops or seminars?2024-08-30T06:38:16-07:00

Yes, Madrasah Az-Zahraa offers a parent engagement program every year. The program consists of 6 sessions, covering a variety of significant topics. Attendance by at least one parent of each student is mandatory. These events are fully free and take place during the school days and the learning time of students in order to facilitate the coming and going of parents and students.

How can parents give feedback on the curriculum or teaching methods?2024-08-30T06:35:49-07:00

Parents can share their thoughts during parent-teacher meetings, through Madrasah Az-Zahraa’s online feedback form (found here), or by directly contacting the school administration at [email protected]. We value parent input as it helps us improve our educational offerings.

How can parents stay informed about their child’s process?2024-08-30T06:33:10-07:00

We keep parents informed through regular progress reports, updates posted on ClassDojo, and parent-teacher meetings. We also encourage open communication between parents and teachers to address any concerns or questions.

What is Madrasah Az-Zahraa’s approach to discipline and behavioral issues?2024-08-30T06:30:58-07:00

As Islam does not allow for any sort of bad behaviour towards others, Madrasah has a zero-tolerance policy for all forms of abuse, teasing, bullying, harassment, or backbiting toward fellow students or toward the staff. All incidents of such behavior will be reported to and dealt with by the Madrasah administration. If a student behaves in an unacceptable way, teachers have the discretion to immediately remove the student from the classroom and send them to the Principal’s Office. In cases of repeated disruptions, the school administration may arrange a phone call or meeting with the parents and the student to review the school policy and devise strategies for improving the student’s behavior. Please refer to the student and parent handbook (found here) for more information.

Are there programs for students interested in advanced Islamic studies?2024-08-30T06:03:19-07:00

Not yet – at the moment we only offer Madrasah classes up to Grade 10. After this, we have a special one-year program called “Spiritual station” intended for students who wish to continue in the Madrasah environment and discuss topics at a deeper level with experts and scholars.

How does Madrasah Az-Zahraa track student progress?2024-08-30T06:01:56-07:00

We track student progress through assessments, quizzes, and class participation. Teachers provide feedback to students and parents during parent-teacher meetings and through report cards sent out once a term. Our goal is to ensure each child is progressing at their own pace and understanding the material.

What is Madrasah Az-Zahraa’s dress code for students?2024-08-30T05:59:43-07:00

We ask students to dress modestly in accordance with Islamic guidelines. Girls will need to wear a loose fitting abaya, socks, and any colored scarf. Makeup and nail polish are not allowed. Boys are allowed to wear any coloured pants and long sleeved shirts. Wearing sweats or clothing with distracting logos or graphics is prohibited. Please refer to the parent and student handbook (found here) for more details.


Can families visit Madrasah Az-Zahraa before registering their children?2024-08-30T05:57:41-07:00

Yes, we welcome families to visit the school, meet the teachers, and observe a class before enrolling their children. Please contact the school administration at [email protected] to schedule a visit.

What if my child forgets to bring their Qur’an or other materials?2024-08-30T05:55:32-07:00

If a student forgets to bring their Quran or materials, the teacher will provide the necessary items for the day. We encourage parents to help younger children prepare their school bags the night before to avoid such situations.

What is Madrasah Az-Zahraa’s policy on student transportation?2024-08-30T05:51:31-07:00

Unfortunately, we do not provide transportation to Madrasah, but please let us know if this is a significant challenge for you and we’ll do our best to help make  carpool arrangements.We also encourage parents to form transportation groups with rotating responsibilities to ensure all students can attend regularly.

What is Madrasah Az-Zahraa’s policy on cancellations due to weather or unforeseen circumstances?2024-08-30T07:17:02-07:00

In the event of severe weather or other unforeseen circumstances, we will notify parents of any cancellations through email alerts. We will also post updates on our website.

What if my child misses a class?2024-08-30T05:44:03-07:00

If your child misses a class, they can reach out to their teacher and catch up by reviewing the lesson materials at home.

What should my child bring to Madrasah Az-Zahraa?2024-08-30T05:42:21-07:00

Students will need to bring their Quran, folders, and textbook. Children should also bring a notebook and writing materials. On most days, snacks will be available to purchase for students during lunch time. Snacks include pizza, chips, and some drinks. We encourage parents to pack a healthy lunch for students.

What are Madrasah Az-Zahraa’s attendance requirements?2024-08-30T05:40:50-07:00

Regular attendance is important for your child to benefit fully from the curriculum. We understand that occasional absences may occur, but we encourage parents to ensure consistent attendance. As part of our attendance policy, student who miss three consecutive classes without a valid reasoning will be removed from Madrasah. Please refer to student and parent handbook (linked here) for more information

What is the process if a child needs to withdraw their child from Madrasah Az-Zahraa?2024-08-30T07:19:57-07:00

If a family needs to withdraw their child, we ask that they inform the school administration. We appreciate advanced notice to manage class sizes and plan accordingly.

Is there a deadline for enrolling my child in Madrasah Az-Zahraa?2024-08-30T05:36:43-07:00

We typically have an enrollment period before the school year begins, but we do accept new students throughout the year depending on class availability. It’s best to enroll early to secure your child’s spot.

Is there a fee to attend Madrasah Az-Zahraa?2024-08-29T07:04:49-07:00

Yes, there is a nominal fee to cover materials, books, and other school expenses. However, we offer financial assistance to families who may need it. Please contact the school administration for more information.

How do I register my child for Madrasah Az-Zahraa?2024-08-29T06:47:44-07:00

Registration can be done online through the registration page on our website. There is an annual registration period before the school year begins, but we also accept mid-year enrollments on a case-by-case basis.

Are there any homework assignments?2024-08-29T06:49:30-07:00

 Homework is typically light and designed to reinforce the lessons learned in class. It may include practicing Quran recitation, or completing simple assignments. Students are always encouraged to continue their learning process at home and expand on what they learn at the school.

How does Madrasah Az-Zahraa approach Quran memorization?2024-08-29T06:50:49-07:00

Quran memorization is encouraged at all levels, with age-appropriate goals set for the children. Students start with shorter surahs and verses, and gradually move towards longer ones. Students are awarded when they reach goals and memorize a certain number of surahs.

What subjects are taught at Madrasah Az-Zahraa?2024-08-29T06:52:04-07:00

The Madrasah curriculum includes Quranic studies, Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), Akhlaq (Islamic ethics), Islamic history, and the teachings of Ahlulbayt (a.s.). Classes are designed to be age-appropriate and engaging. For more information, click here.

Who are the teachers at Madrasah Az-Zahraa?2024-08-29T06:53:21-07:00

Our teachers are all volunteers from the community, including many former Madrasah graduates. They are dedicated to providing a positive and enriching learning experience for the children.

Where is Madrasah Az-Zahraa located?2024-08-29T06:56:43-07:00

Madrasah Az-Zahraa is held at 8580 no. 5 Rd, Richmond, BC, which is part of the Az-zahraa Islamic Centre.

What are Madrasah Az-Zahraa’s hours of operation?2024-08-29T06:58:30-07:00

Madrasah operates on Sundays, from 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM. The school is closed on public holidays and during breaks. Children have a 30 minute lunch break, and Salaat is a part of the day’s activities.

Who can attend Madrasah Az-Zahraa?2024-08-29T07:02:24-07:00

The school is open to all shia children, ranging from ages 4 to 16. Children must have turned 4 by December of the year they’re entering Madrasah in order to be able to attend.

What is the purpose of Madrasah Az-Zahraa?2024-08-29T07:01:23-07:00

Madrasah Az-Zahraa aims to provide children with a foundational understanding of Islam, focusing on Shia beliefs and practices. It includes lessons on how to read and recite the Quran, Islamic history, and the principles of Ahlulbayt (a.s.).

Feel free to contact the Madrasah administration team at [email protected] for any other questions.

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